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When and Where
  • 10/21/2024 1:00 PM CDT
  • 10/21/2024 5:00 PM CDT
  • 777 Watters Creek Blvd. Allen, TX 75013
  • Allen
  • TX

Pre-Conference Workshop

Preventing Serious Injuries and Fatalities with Above the Line Work Planning and Execution

How to Build Capacity to Fail Safe Using Direct Controls for High Energy Hazards to Prevent SIFs

Instructor: David McPeak, CUSP, CSP, CHST, CIT, CSSM

Earn 4 CUSP Points for Completion

Cost: $250.00

There is debate about whether the things that hurt people are the things that kill people. While this workshop may not answer that debate definitively, it will leave you armed with everything you need to prevent SIFs by building capacity to fail safely using direct controls for high energy exposures. And we’ll show you how to implement the tools we discuss in a way that will influence the people that need them the most, your frontline workers, to want to use them.


Topics covered include Heinrich’s Injury Pyramid, Matthew Hallowell’s work on Energy-Based Hazard Recognition and the Energy Wheel, SIFs, assessing risk, high energy threshold, direct controls, building capacity, hazard mitigation, failing safe, safety by design, defense in depth, and above the line work planning and execution using iPi’s Hierarchy of Controls.



During this workshop, we will:

• Discuss the limitations and benefits of the work of William Heinrich and Dr. Matthew Hallowell

• Learn and practice hazard and risk assessment and mitigation tools

• Understand above the line work planning and how to make it appeal to frontline workers

• Network and benchmark